Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Feature Driven Development

Six Key Roles
  1. Project Manager
  2. Chief Architect
  3. Development Manager
  4. Chief Programmer
  5. Class Owner
The five processes of FDD
  1. Develop an overall model
  2. Build a feature list
  3. Plan by feature
  4. Design by feature
  5. Build by feature
Design by feature
       1% domain walkthrough      
     40% design
       3% design inspection
Build by feature
     45% code
     10% code inspection
       1% promote to build

  • calculate the total of a sale
  • create a new mechanic for the mechanic list
  • schedule the service of a car
Feature-Set      ing a(n)
  • performing a service
  • scheduling a service
Mayor Feature Set      management
  • car service management
Service Management |                                 rro    |      <-- chief programmer |     Scheduling a service   |      <-- feature set name |            (19)                          |     <-- number of features in set    |          27%                         |     <-- percentage completion |     |||||||||||.............       |     <-- completion bar |     Dec 2011                        |      <-- targetet month of completion                               Feature examples
  • Edit a customers details in the customer list
  • Edit the service schedule for a car model
  • Edit the taks list of a service description
  • Edit the parts list of a service description
  • Reserve the list of parts for a service
  • Send a service reminder to the customer
  • Edit a service scheduled in the working calendar
  • Make a mechanic assignment for a service
  • Record a service performed for a car
  • Calculate a total cost of parts used for a service
  • Generate an invoice for an service
       Scheduling a Service
  1. Schedule the service for a car
  2. Add a new Customer to a customer list

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